
小屋犬 Cottage Dog April 2001

In the world, there are various kinds of dogs, but until now it's probably not possible that you had the experience to see such a unique dog!? Koyainu's everyday is roofed with tons of fun.


Cottage Dog

This mysterious dog has a roof attached to its head. Therefore, it has no concern about rainy days!! He protects everyone from hot summer days by being in the middle!

あたまに屋根が付いた不思議な犬。だから雨の日はへっちゃら!! 夏の暑い日差しからもみんなを守るよ!

Sausage Inu
Sausage Dog

Being similar to a sausage, Sausage Inu is a friend of Koyainu. He is envious of Koyainu's roof.

ソーセージに似ている小屋犬のお友達。 小屋犬の屋根をうらやましく思っている。
That one on one's mind

Koyainu gives his heart to this fair skinned cutie.

Mr. Bird

They take shelter from the rain under Koyainu's roof and make a nest and do various other things. They also help with cleaning the roof.

Teruteru Bouzu¹
Shiny-shiny Buddhist Priest

The bird hangs teruteru bouzu. He wishes with all his heart that the weather will clear up.

Mr. Cat

He receives much shelter from the rain from Koyainu. Someday, he wants to bask in the sun on the roof.

Sonota Koyainu
Other Cottage Dogs

Somehow, it appears that there are many cottage dogs. There exists various types of colors.



Translation Notes
  1. Teru teru bōzu (てるてる坊主), literally meaning "shiny-shiny Buddhist priest," is a little traditional hand-made doll made of white paper or cloth that Japanese farmers began hanging outside of their window by a string. This amulet is supposed to have magical powers to bring good weather and to stop or prevent a rainy day. "Teru" is a Japanese verb which describes sunshine, and a "bōzu" is a Buddhist monk (compare the word bonze), or in modern slang, "bald-headed." Today, children make teru-teru-bōzu out of tissue paper or cotton and string and hang them from a window to wish for sunny weather, often before a school picnic day. Hanging it upside down - with its head pointing downside - acts like a prayer for rain. They are still a very common sight in Japan. Wikipedia: Teru teru bozu.
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