Sirotan's Sewing Box
information: family

Sirotan has a four person family and a grandmother.

Mama (Mother)

Whenever there is a little fear happening, kind Mama is there. Since Mama makes tasty snacks, I enjoy snack time. When I am in unsafe situations, Mama becomes very anxious and worries a lot.

Papa (Father)

ぼくがうまれてすぐに字の修行にでて、今もかえってこない・・・。 「こりしょう」らしくって、ひとつのことにのめりこみすぎちゃうって、おばあちゃんが言ってた。 いつかえってくるのかな?

Shironii (White Big Brother)

見ためはぼくとうりふたつ。 だけどなかみは全然ちがうんだ。 冒険や旅行が好きで、ほとんどおうちにはいないんだ。 かえってくると旅のお話をしてくれるのが、ぼくのたのしみなんだ。

Obaachan (Grandma)

My family lives in Ice Country where there is sea, but Grandma lives in Green Country. In her garden, many pretty flowers bloom. She sews and makes a variety of things which she sends.

Disclaimer: Sirotan etc. is copyright by Creative Yoko. I claim no ownership to him or any of his information.