Sirotan's Sewing Box
information: disguises

Sirotan has many disguises. I have done my best to translate them into English (with lots of help from Akie and Sensei and Alisu)... If you find errors, please let me know! ^^

Companion Compilation (12 kinds of marine creatures) ~ 海のなかま編12種
Dolphin (イルカ) ~ 2001

I am a shy seal. I would like to be bright and cheerful, energetic Dolphin-kun with many friends.


Penguin (ペンギン) ~ 2001

Even though Penguin-kun is a little bit silly, everyone says that he's cute. I can be a little bit silly and I want everyone to say that I am cute.


Orca (シャチ) ~ 2001

I want to become like Orca-kun and be smart and knowledgeable. I am weak at tests, so I want to show my roaring Mama a perfect score.


Whale (クジラ) ~ 2001

Coincidently I am curious about Whale-kun. I want to see far away and want to try traveling to the seas. It is my dream to do a trip around the world.


Shark (サメ) ~ 2001

I am a little bit of a coward, so I want to become the most powerful, Shark-san. Even at night, he can go to the bathroom alone. I want to become like him since it is my dream to go to a haunted house and my goal is to not cry.


Sea Otter (ラッコ) ~ 2001

I want to become Sea Otter-san who always floats on the water. I want to watch the whole day and night skies and then see shooting stars and make a wish.


Polar Bear (シロクマ) ~ 2001

Polar Bear-kun's body is truly pure white and pretty. Furthermore, he walks on the ice and is gallant, masculine, and cool. I yearn to be like him!


Walrus (セイウチ) ~ 2001

Walrus-kun has a big body and little tusks. But comparativly, he moves slowly! He is peppy, cute, and interesting.


Napoleon Fish (ナポレオン フィッシュ) ~ 2001

Even Napo-kun is a popular favorite among the divers. I am also skillful at swimming. And his face is truly absolutely cute!


Sea Turtle (カメ) ~ 2002

If I mention Turtle-san, I think of how Urashima-san helped Turtle-san and then how Turtle-san took Urashima-san to Ryuuguujou, the Palace of the Dragon King. I would like to one time be called to Ryuuguujou and I want to eat lots of delicious foods. [more information]


Ocean Sunfish (マンボウ) ~ 2003

I want to be like Sunfish-san who is always floating near sea level. I want to leisurely float in the spacious sea.


Humpback Whale (ザトウクジラ) ~ 2003

I want to be like Humpback Whale-san who is a big fillet and swims smoothly. I want to smoothly swim far away.


New Companion Compilation (7 kinds of marine creatures) ~ 新しい海のなかま編7種
Clown Fish (カクレクマノミ) ~ 2004

Angler Fish (アンコウ) ~ 2004

Squid (イカ) ~ 2004

Manta Ray (マンタ) ~ 2004

Hammmerhead Shark (シュモクザメ) ~ 2004

Dugong (ジュゴン) ~ 2004

Loggerhead Sea Turtle (アカウミガメ) ~ 2004

Dog Series (7 Types) ~ ドッグシリーズ7種
Golden Retriever (ラブラドール (レトリバー)) ~ 2002-2003

Shih Tzu (シーズー) ~ 2002-2003

Pomeranian (ポメラニアン) ~ 2002-2003

Dachshund (ダックス) ~ 2003

Shiba Inu (柴犬) ~ 2003

Chihuahua (チワワ) ~ 2003

Corgi (コーギー) ~ 2003

Rainy Day Series (3 Types) ~ 雨の日シリ|ズ3種
Frog (カエル) ~ 2003

Even on a rainy day, Frog-san is full of energy saying “ribbit ribbit.” I want to be like Frog-san and try leaping and go boing boing.


Snail (カタツムリ) ~ 2003

Always slowly, Snail-san keeps traveling on the leaf. I want to be like Snail-san so that I could carry my house while I walk.


Salamander (オオサンショウウオ) ~ 2003

Salamander-san lives in the clean mountain water. I want to take a leisurely nap in the clean water.


Goldfish Series (5 Types) ~ 金魚シリーズ5種
Red Popeyed Goldfish (赤出目金) ~ 2003.07

The surprise is that I will do goldfish disguises! There many different varieties of goldfish. Which goldfish type will I do this time?
Yes, today I will be . . . Akademe-chan! Compared to his body, he has huge eyes which are lovely. His dorsal and tail fins are fluttery, and he leaves an impression of the kindness of a king. So cool!

う〜ん、今日は・・あかでめちゃん! 体のわりにとっても大きなおめめがラブリー(ハート)背びれ、尾びれがおおきくヒラヒラしていて、優しい王様って感じで、すてきだなぁ。

Black Moor/Popeyed Goldfish (黒出目金) ~ 2003.07

Yes, today I will be . . . Kurodeme-chan! Compared to his body, he has huge eyes which are lovely. His dorsal and tail fins are fluttery, and he leaves an impression of the kindness of a king. So cool!


Chinese Ranchu Goldfish (蘭鋳 (ランチュウ)) ~ 2003.07

Yes, today I will be . . . Ranchu-san! He is the goldfish that just changes a little where without a dorsal fin, he has a big head. He is rare and has many fans. Everyday he has a huge pile of fan letters!


Azumanishiki Goldfish (東錦 (アズマニシキ)) ~ 2003.07

Yes, today I will be . . . Azumanishiki-san! He has a diversity of designs with the three colors and an impressively long tail fin. Furthermore, his scales being transparent mesmerize people.


Japanese Wakin Goldfish (和金 (ワキン)) ~ 2003.07

Yes, today I will be . . . Wakin-san! As the originator of goldfish, he has a long body. Since he is from former times of Japan, he knows my grandfather and grandmother. I want to be knowledgeable like him.


Local Limited Edition (1 Type) ~ 地方限定編1種
Mentaiko (Hot Pepper Codfish Roe) (明太子) ~ 2003

Rather than a Mentaiko disguise, I am inside Mentaiko! It is with the design.


Special Edition (6 Types) ~ 特別編6種
Bearded Seal (あごひげあざらし) ~ 2002

Agohige-san loves fish (I love fish too~) and sometimes he becomes so absorbed in chasing fish that he gets lost from the group. He is very hard on himself about it. Not only is he manly, he is a peppy and cute seal as well. However, there are various kinds of seals.


Strawberry (いちご) ~ Spring 2004

Finally the release of a disguise that has no logical connection comes out. I am a strawberry! But the disguise is so lovely that I can get away with it!

ついになんの脈絡もない変身シリーズが出ました。 いちごに変身しろたん!でもかわいいから許す!

Gray Lop-earred Rabbit (ロップイヤーうさぎ グレー) ~ Fall 2004

Usagi-san’s ears are hanging.


Tea Lop-earred Rabbit (ロップイヤーうさぎ 茶) ~ Fall 2004

Usagi-san’s ears are hanging.


Red Strawberry (いちご 赤) ~ Winter 2004

It is able to be sold for the sake of the strawberry lover, Pan-chan. (big lie)


Panda (パンダ) ~ Winter 2004

It is able to be sold for the sake of the panda lover, Pan-chan. (big lie)


Limited Edition (13 Types) ~ 期間限定編13種
Kagamimochi (Orange Flavored Mochi) (鏡餅) ~ 2002-2003-2004-2005

Koi no Bori Red/Dark Blue (Carp Windsocks) (こいのぼり赤・紺) ~ 2002-2003

Longevity Turtle (長寿カメ) ~ 2003

This Turtle-san has a thing like a tail attached to him which is "duckweed!" The duckweed attached symbolizes long years and months. I want to be like Turtle-san and live a long life.


Longevity Crane (長寿ツル) ~ 2003

It became winter, so Crane-san came along to Japan. His big wings for flying in the heavens are really awesome. I want to be like him! When I can fly through the sky...


Sheep (羊) ~ 2003

In honor of the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Sheep, it was a necessity for the sale of this disguse in 2003.


Maple Teddy Bear (テディベア・メープル) ~ Winter 2004

Sirotan's ode to Teddy Bear...
On that certain day, I experienced the great magic of the toy workshop. Inside the workshop, it was full to the brim with toys. Nevertheless, it made Teddy Bears, a loveable disguise with a plain ribbon for me. All this playing made me tired, so unnoticed, I fell asleep. When I awoke, there were "Teddy Bear Sirotan"'s lined up in the store. My story as Teddy Bear Sirotan began after this.

テディベアしろたんのお話・・・ ある日、魔法のおもちゃ工場にしのびこんだしろたん・ 工場の中はおもちゃでいっぱいです。 まだ作りかけのテディベアを見つけ変身が大好きなしろたんは テディをかぶっておおはしゃぎ! 遊びつかれたしろたんはいつの間にか眠ってしまいました。 目が覚めると『テディベアしろたん』になってお店に並んでいました!さあ、テディベアしろたんとあなたのお話はこれから始まります。

Cocoa Teddy Bear (テディベア・ココア) ~ Winter 2004

Sirotan's ode to Teddy Bear...
On that certain day, I experienced the great magic of the toy workshop. Inside the workshop, it was full to the brim with toys. Nevertheless, it made Teddy Bears, a loveable disguise with a plain ribbon for me. All this playing made me tired, so unnoticed, I fell asleep. When I awoke, there were "Teddy Bear Sirotan"'s lined up in the store. My story as Teddy Bear Sirotan began after this.

テディベアしろたんのお話・・・ ある日、魔法のおもちゃ工場にしのびこんだしろたん・ 工場の中はおもちゃでいっぱいです。 まだ作りかけのテディベアを見つけ変身が大好きなしろたんは テディをかぶっておおはしゃぎ! 遊びつかれたしろたんはいつの間にか眠ってしまいました。 目が覚めると『テディベアしろたん』になってお店に並んでいました!さあ、テディベアしろたんとあなたのお話はこれから始まります。

White Luck Inviting Rabbit (招福うさぎ・白) ~ End 2004

Peach Luck Inviting Rabbit (招福うさぎ・白) ~ End 2004

Rooster (にわとり) ~ 2005

In honor of the Chinese zodiac year of the Rooster, it was sold on New Year's Day of 2005.


Chicken (ひよこ) ~ 2005

In honor of the Chinese zodiac year of the Rooster, it was sold on New Year's Day of 2005.


X'mas Series (5 Types) ~ X'mas編5種
Santa (サンタ) ~ 2001-2002-2003

I hold a wreath! So cute!


Santa (サンタ) ~ 2004

The white fur on my costume is fluffy and sparkly!


Little Red Riding Hood (赤ずきん) ~ 2005

I wear a mysterious red cap with reindeer horns.


Reindeer (トナカイ) ~ 2001

On the night of Christmas Eve, the sound of Reindeer-san running in the beautiful, sparkling snow is said to be heard....

クリスマス・イブの夜、"シャン シャン シャン…"雪の中をトナカイさんが走っているような音が聞こえました。…

Reindeer (トナカイ) ~ 2002-2003-2004

A bell hangs around my neck and the white fur on my costume is fluffy and sparkly!


Reindeer (トナカイ) ~ 2005

I am Reindeer-san!


Snowman (雪ダルマ) ~ 2002-2003

I am Snowman-kun, made from the first snow of winter. ...


Turkey (七面鳥) ~ 2002

On this certain day, I went to the zoo. ...


Disclaimer: Sirotan etc. is copyright by Creative Yoko. I claim no ownership to him or any of his information.